Frequently Asked Questions

While the majority of our customers are located in New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts, we do have accounts in every state in New England.

Give us a call – just because we are not currently in your area, doesn’t mean we can’t be in the near future. We have expanded a great deal in the last 15 years, going to places we never thought we would.

How soon you can start depends on the amount of linen that you will be renting and the product-mix you’ll be receiving.

Most customers are able to start up in one or two days depending on their

You can expect a significant reduction in utility and payroll expenditures, as well as space-savings. Additionally, the scale of our laundry allows us to maximize efficiency and reduce the impact of laundry on the environment. Although our processes do produce some waste, the waste is less intrusive on the environment than disposable paper or smaller laundry facilities.

Our services are specifically for the hospitality and food and beverage industry. While we do service customers with their own goods, we do have minimum volume requirements.

We do! We offer a variety of specialty floor-length table linens and napkins for banquets and special events.  Please visit our Special Events page or contact us for more information.

Still have questions?

Please feel free to contact us to learn more.